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Wednesday 16 June 2021

Special Guest Blogger: Pope Gregory XIII

There was two things that bothered me during my time as Pope, the Protestants were being a huge pain in the arse and we had a stupid calendar so i set about putting both things right.
I first had a go at slapping down the Proddies, Thomas Stukeley said if i gave him a ship with 800 heavily armed men, he would land in Ireland to aid the Catholics against the Protestant but once he got his ship and men, he buggered off to join up with King Sebastian of Portugal against Emperor Abdul Malik of Morocco instead.
I did send another one to replace that one with a mere 50 soldiers but they were captured and every single one of them was either hanged or beheaded as soon as they set foot in Ireland so i thought stuff that, let's have another look at this calendar.
The problem was that the Earth and the Sun refused to create a year that's composed of a nice round number of days, God dropped the ball when he set that up, and the Julian calendar, which was prominent in most of the Western world for more than 1,600 years, had an average year of exactly 365.25 days long and it was losing a day a century so i shortened the day by 0.0075 days, making a year 365.2425 days and by tinkering with the leap years, i corrected the Julian calendar.
As it was losing a day a century, the Christian festivals like Easter were all getting out of whack so to bring it all back into line, we jumped 11 days from Thursday 4 October 1582 to Friday 15 October 1582 which immediately annoyed anyone whose birthday was between those dates.
I thought that the changes to the calendar might confuse people so we stayed with the original names for the months so we still have March for Mars, June for Juno and September meaning seven month, October meaning eighth month, November meaning ninth month and December meaning tenth month and we kept the leap year as every 4 years and the double 24 February although later a February 29th was introduced which immediately annoyed anyone whose birthday was February 24 and was getting double presents.
With regards to the Leap years, we made it simply that leap years would occur every year divisible by four, except for years that are also divisible by 100, unless they are also divisible by 400, and it skips the first three leap years every 400 years.
The calendar now made a lot more sense with some months having 31 days, some 30 and February with it's 28, except when it doesn't and in honour of me, it became known as the Gregorian calendar and all the Catholic countries were like 'Hey Cool, we got a new calendar' but the Protestant countries like Britain refused to accept it at first, the British people thinking the Catholics were trying to steal 11 days from them.
Just like my calendar, my days were numbered but after i died my Calendar was accepted across most of the Globe but some nations persevere with the Julian calendar so with two calendars to choose from, there is nothing stopping you from switching between the two and going Julian and then back to the Gregorian and losing those 11 days again later in the year, a few days before your Mother-In Laws birthday would be especially cost saving. Win-Win so well done me.

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