FOAB Information

Sunday 25 July 2021

Applauding Ben & Jerry's Israel Boycott

Like many with a social compass, i have boycotted all things Israeli for decades, going out of my way to check the country of origin sticker and if it says Israel, i put it back on the shelf and a report by the Israeli Manufacturing Association in 2009 claimed that people like me has cost it a 5% drop in the Israeli export economy.
The problem is that the USA backs Israel to the tune of $3.8bn aid each year, therefore giving it tacit approval for its continued abomination against the Palestinians and allowing it to carry on with the status quo which includes stealing it's land and keeping its neighbour well and truly under its military jack-boot while it erases it.
The 5% drop is therefore more than covered by the USA funding but a company has stepped forward this week to say what the Israeli military occupation of Palestine is wrong and Ben & Jerry's have said that it would no longer allow sales in Israeli settlements on occupied Palestinian land.
Of course the Israeli's predictably reached straight for the anti-semitism card as they always do to try and shut down the argument whenever the question of their atrocious actions against the Palestinians is aired, a view that waters down the real anti-semitism which is far too prevalent in the World but it's their go-to action so as boringly expected from the Israel leadership.
The company’s stand against illegal Israeli settlements is a small but welcome contribution to what is a ongoing shift in opinion against Israel as its human-rights crimes rack up and in condemning the occupation and settlements, Ben & Jerry highlights the Palestinian cause and adds momentum to a growing global movement which aims to replicate the South African anti-apartheid movement which also had tacit approval from the US and the UK, the Conservative Government at the time branding Nelson Mandela a terrorist for trying to over-turn it.
The Anti-Apartheid movement took 30 years of boycotts and pressure to abolish and all the time America is paying Israel to keep up its genocide then the nation will keep up its atrocious and murderous actions but hopefully Ben & Jerry's move will make it a little bit easier for some other big names to come into the fold and increase the pressure further.

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