FOAB Information

Thursday 29 July 2021

Covid Jabs For The Young

The Government are concerned that whilst the older generations feet never touched the ground in the rush to get their Covid-19 vaccination, the younger generation's feet are moving a lot more sluggishly and my official position is to urge the under 25's to get themselves down to the vaccine center, roll up their sleeves and think of whatever it is you think of when someone is jabbing a needle in your arm.
My problem is that the official stance makes me a massive hypocrite because i completely get why the youngun's are not battering down the doors to get jabbed because if i was under 25, i wouldn't be either.
The young generation have been brilliant in lock-down and i know for a fact that i wouldn't have been if this had happened 30 years ago when i was a firm buttocked teenager, i would have carried on necking my Merrydown Cider and smoking my Peter Stuyvesant cigarettes (are either of those still around?) with my friends and driving around enjoying the quieter roads and whooping it up as i was getting paid to not go to work and good luck mum and dad trying to stop me going out.
That is how the younger generation should be, you feel bulletproof and indestructible and want to go out and experiment and do stupid things and be irresponsible and have fun while you still can.
I would have been nagged into getting the vaccine at the end because that's what parents do but i would have been one of the very last so i understand the reluctance of the younger generation.
That said i am a boring old 52 year old grown up now and i no longer smoke, i wear sensible shoes and drink responsibly (mostly) so to all you kids putting off the Covid-19 jab i officially say make the appointment as soon as possible but unofficially say as soon as that bottle of string cider has been drank and you are out of fags.

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