FOAB Information

Friday 16 July 2021

Highest Death Toll In Europe For A Reason

Unless there is a very late change of plans, we are all being thrown to the Wolves on Monday which is Day 1 of the Governments plan of 'Having to live with Coronavirus'.
If they have a figure of when things are becoming to dangerous to live with it anymore, that figure isn't 50,000 new infections a day because yesterday 51,870 were recorded along with 49 deaths and as that figure is with restrictions in place, and the deaths were from new infections at least 4 weeks ago, to most people opening up when infections are rising at such an alarming rate is pure madness but then this is the Government of Boris Johnson and pure madness is it's thing, we don't have the highest death rate in Europe by having a sensible Government.
Yesterdays figure is only 17,000 below the highest ever record which came in January when it took a tough lock-down to prevent hospitals buckling and we currently have 3,964 patients in hospital but that figure lags around two weeks after the first infection so that will rise steeply as we head into August.  
Despite denials that the initial reaction was to just let the virus rip so we can reach herd immunity at some point, letting the virus spread now will still put pressure on hospitals, leave people with long Covid and be hugely disruptive as large numbers of people need to isolate and to that end, of the 26.5 million in England and Wales who downloaded the app, 3 million have now deleted it again as it is the app which would inform them that they have to self-isolate as they have been in contact with someone who now has Covid-19.
Dr Jenny Harries, the head of the new UK Health Security Agency, told MPs she was 'aware that people are choosing not to use the app' when asked about concerns people have been deleting it to avoid being 'pinged' and there is news of employers telling their staff to delete or turn off the app to avoid missing work as cases rise and more people are being forced to isolate, with businesses warning of staffing shortages.  
England's chief medical officer, Chris Witty, today warned cases and hospital admissions could hit 'scary numbers' and hopefully the Government are watching the numbers rise and have a point where they call a halt and slam on the brakes again and they will have to at some point because they may be fed up with the disruption and the economic hit but the virus will be beside itself in glee at all the new UK folk it can now infect and probably thanking its lucky stars that the UK Government is either so awfully incompetent or so at ease with damaging it's own folks health.

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