FOAB Information

Monday 12 July 2021

Racism Starting At The Top

When i was growing up in the 70's, racism was everywhere including on the TV and usually disguised as comedy and then in the 80s and 90s there was a change and the jokes became taboo and the comedians who's act was based on making fun of anyone who wasn't white was shunned and racism seemed to be on the retreat although it never actually went away.
The racists were in the minority and society moved on but it seems to be making a comeback with black footballers being targeted for vile abuse online by cowards hidden by the anonymity social media affords them.
In America, the racists were emboldened by having a racist in charge and here in the UK the same has happened with Boris Johnson and his awful Government members.
It was Johnson who at first refused to condemn the booing of the same players taking the knee in support of anti-racism and members of his Government quickly followed and the racists felt they had a kindred spirit running the country and let loose with the monkey images and abuse.
The problem is therefore at the very top with a man who said Muslim women look like letterboxes, labeled black Africans piccaninnies with watermelon smiles and said the problem with Africa is that 'we are not in charge any more' and called Islamophobia 'a natural reaction'.
He has also gone with homophobia and sexist quotes and former Conservative Party chair, Baroness Warsi, has come out today and said the racist abuse of players 'proved that taking the knee was an important and essential part of this tournament' and in a dig at her previous boss, said 'Those that failed to condemn the booing are feeding a culture where racism thrives and shames our nation'.
The media companies need to do something, it cannot go on.

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