FOAB Information

Monday 2 August 2021

Kheyli Mamnoon (Thank's America)

Back in 2003, so it didn't look like some kind of bullying warmongering jerk to all it's UN besties, America was desperately trying to get the World on its side to go after Saddam Hussein's Iraq and it cartwheeled through many reasons before giving up even trying and just bombed it anyway.
One of the many excuses they came up with was that Saddam had nuclear, chemical and biological weapons stashed away just waiting to be used on any unsuspecting nation that looked at it the wrong way and despite UN weapons inspectors looking into every into nook and cranny, they kept coming back empty handed.
America, growing frustrated that they were being prevented from a bit of war on the grounds of no justification whatsoever, kept saying they know Saddam had them because they had a picture of Donald Rumsfeld and Saddam himself shaking hands after a meeting where America gave them the damn stuff.
Fast forward a few years and we end up in the Presidency of the most inept and clown-like man ever to drop his clinically obese body behind the Oval Office desk and Donald Trump's got Iraq's neighbour Iran in his sights and he withdraws from the nuclear agreement because the guy before him negotiated it and he was black and you know, racist douchebag in charge.
So now with someone who is less likely to incite a race riot or sexually assault female staff members in the White House, the Iran deal is being pieced back together to prevent Iran producing a nuclear bomb but unlike Iraq who we were told wrongly had the technology to develop nuclear weapons already, we know Iran does because America had given it to them.
In 2000, the CIA hatched a plot called Operation Merlin which included 'handing' plans for building a nuclear missile to Iran which was riddled with subtle errors and would set them back decades trying to work out why the damned things were not working.
The tough part was getting the faulty plans to the Iranians so they recruited a Russian nuclear physicist and showered him with enough Rubles for him to agree to slip the blueprints to the Iranians. Being a top notch nuclear physicist, the Russian guy looked at it and advised the Americans that the plans contained errors but they just said that's fine, give it to them anyway and sent him on his way to a waiting transport plane.
Now all they had to do was sit back and watch the fun as the Iranians scratched their heads and got nowhere but what they didn't plan for was the Russian being a helpful and conscientious chap who thought he'd do everybody a favor by fixing the little mistakes therefore handing over to the Iranian government an actual, working blueprint for a nuclear weapon, with all the faulty bits helpfully fixed.
I haven't heard anyone say we know the nation we really don't want to have the technology to build nuclear weapons has it already because because we gave it to them yet and the CIA denied the story and called it absurd but then charged the officer who leaked the story but at least there are no photos this time.


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