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Saturday 7 August 2021

The Premier League Is Back

The referee has blown his whistle and the 2021-22 season is underway with Manchester City playing Leicester City for the right to claim the first piece of Silverware which comes in the shape of the Community Shield.
As the Manchester City owners have hit upon the strategy of shoveling a quarter of a billion pounds at the manager for handing £100m to Aston Villa for Jack Grealish and £150m for Harry Kane, i hope Leicester end the day singing about how the Community Shield is coming home but i doubt it.
Much is made about what a great manager Pep Guardiola and he has been a great success wherever he has been, Barcelona, Bayern Munich and now Manchester City although as he has spent over £1 billion since becoming the City manager in 2016, there would be some harsh questions if he wasn't smirking whenever he wandered by the Etihad Stadium trophy cabinet.  
Manchester City are not alone in spending the owners money on players to buy success as the big six have been doing it for the past decade, this off season alone Jadon Sancho has moved to Manchester United for £73m, Arsenal signing of Ben White for £50m, Spurs £47m deal for Cristian Romero and Chelsea's potential purchase of Romelu Lukaku for close to £100m.
As an Arsenal fan is is quite galling to see them lay off 55 staff to save money and then write a cheque for £50m to Brighton but that will be forgotten if he finally sorts out the Arsenal defence.
The website Transfermarkt has looked at the spend of the big six in the Premier League since 2011 and worked out how much each trophy they have won cost the club so the biggest spenders have been Manchester City who have spent £1.27 billion and won 10 Trophies at a cost of £127 million each.
Chelsea spent £1.19 billion for their 8 trophies at £148 million each, Manchester United have burnt through £1.13 billion to win 4 trophies so each one costing £335m each, Liverpool's £884 million has seen a return of 5 trophies so that's a bill of £176m each while for Arsenals £768 million outlay, the Emirates Stadium trophy count of 4 means each one cost the club £192 million.
The last of the Big six is Tottenham who have spent £669 million and for a hole that size in the Spurs bank account they have won nothing at all, nil, not a single thing, nowt, zilch, not a dicky bird, sweet Fanny Adams, zip, nada, diddly-squat, not a sausage bupkis, sod all.
I agree that the money sloshing around football is obscene and the tens of millions being spent on a single player is disgusting but funnily enough, if the cheque is signed by Daniel Levy and is coming from Tottenham's account i am surprisingly okay with that.


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