FOAB Information

Saturday 28 August 2021

US Still Pointing Covid Finger At China

I have always found it a bit of a coincidence that the Coronavirus virus began in Wuhan which just happended to be home of a scientific laboratory which was performing scientific experiments on Coronavirus's but i am willing to go with the science and the science is saying the outbreak was exposure to an infected animal.
Despite probes by China and the World Health Organisation, US President Joe Biden gave the US intelligence community 90 days to figure out the source of the coronavirus which has infected over 215 million and killed more than 4.4 million people around the globe.
The report was made public on Friday and it came to the decision that it didn't know how it started although it is right to question just how scientifically credible a report from a nation currently desperate for a scapegoat for its own awful response and involved in a battle for global supremacy would be as it is right to question how credible China's report is considering it is under the spotlight as the source of the outbreak.
What the US report did confirm was that the virus was not 'a biological weapon', was not 'genetically engineered' and the China’s officials 'did not have foreknowledge of the virus'.
China has repeatedly dismissed the lab leak theory as an attempt to politicise the pandemic and are now demanding a similar probe to investigate American laboratories for the origins of the virus based on several studies that found traces of Covid-19 in the US before Wuhan.
The earlier WHO probe described the likelihood of the coronavirus escaping from a laboratory in Wuhan as 'extremely unlikely' but for some they never accepted that and have long made their own mind up that China is to blame as we saw under Donald Trump who first floated the idea and named it the 'China Virus' while doing very little to protect his own citizens from it, hence the lofty position at the top of the deaths league.
I expect the game of trying to pin the blame on China will continue as it is convenient for America to do so as a distraction but it seems to be on it's own as the rest of the World seem to be happy to follow the findings from the WHO, the only independent and medically experienced author, that the origins were from an infected animal.

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