FOAB Information

Wednesday 1 September 2021

And So Ends The War On Terror

There are many words to describe what has happened in Afghanistan, fiasco, failure, disaster, defeat, screw-up, cock-up, pig's ear, balls-up but one which it definitely isn't is 'success' and as the last act was blowing up and killing a car full of civilians, that pretty much sums up the West's efforts over the past two decades.
A couple of trillion dollars later, America had decided they have had enough war over there and left Afghanistan in exactly the same state that they found it, only with fuller cemeteries from the 50,000 dead civilians courtesy of Uncle Sam, John Bull and the rest of the deluded Western Governments who arrogantly decided what the Afghan's needed was some good old Western style democracy and they would bring it at the end of a drone missile.  
What Biden stayed awake long enough to say was that the airlift of 120,000 people out of the mess they made was a success as much as you can call the desperate scramble to get the hell out of there under fire with your foe showing off the captured military equipment left behind is a success, i guess any straws will be grasped at if their is enough desperation.
The Afghan's have now been left not only in the less than safe hands of the Taliban, but an even more extreme religious terror group in ISIS but the US has said that it will support those still in Afghanistan with what it is calling an 'over the horizon' counter-terrorism effort, tackling any threats in Afghanistan from afar with drones and as the family in the car found out as well as countless Wedding Parties which suddenly turned into funerals, that's not a great option.
I'm sure that there will be films made in the future which will feature American's going to Afghanistan and killing their citizens but describing how killing them made the American soldiers feel sad.
So the Afghan war is over and just like with Iraq and Libya, we have run off after leaving behind the civilians to face terrorists in their shattered nation and the final act of the 'War on terror' has been brought to a screeching halt.
For those twenty years, millions of troops and bombs, trillions of dollars, hundreds of thousands of innocent deaths, the trashing of humanitarian values, rendition, torture, entrapment, extra judicial killings and jihadist recruitment figures up, we don't have much to show for it.
Will the West learn from it's many, many mistakes over the last 20 years since George W Bush and Tony Blair launched their democracy crusade? I’m not holding my breath.

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