FOAB Information

Thursday 9 September 2021

Better Late Than Never I Guess

Each year, we foolishly throw billion of tonnes of Carbon Dioxide into the atmosphere and as we are seeing, that has terrible consequences for us living on Earth and as stronger hurricanes blow and the waves lap higher up in low lying nations, it seems we are already too late to stop the effects of Climate Change but while the most polluting nations countries seems to be doing very little about it, technology is lending a hand.
Iceland has began operation of the world's largest plant which will suck 4,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide from the air per year making it the 15th such machine who altogether will capturing more than 9,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide per year, according to the International Energy Agency.   
Global emissions last year were 36 billion tonnes, according to the International Energy Agency and i couldn't even do the math's for that on my calculator but Google reliably informs me that 36 billion divided by 9,000 means it would take 4 million of these machines to scrub out the CO2 we spew out annually.
While 9,000 will hardly make a dent in 36 billion, it's a start although depressingly it seems a case of too little too late for some, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimated it causes over 150,000 deaths annually, while the rest of us and future generations are facing more extreme weather events as the global temperature creeps ever upwards.
The problem with Climate Change is that is was always something that was going to happen and it was easy to ignore or for the more gullible, deny, unfortunatley the going to happen is now happening as we literally reap what we sowed but at least we have made a start in doing something about it, many, many decades too late obviously but it's finally sunk into the thickest of skulls.

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