FOAB Information

Friday 24 September 2021

Sorry Foreigners, Please Come Back!

Bloody foreigners, they come over here and exploit us by doing jobs no one else wants to do like HGV drivers and fruit pickers and then just because we voted for Brexit to kick the lot of them out, they all returned home and now we don't have enough fruit pickers or HGV lorry drivers so the petrol is running out and the food isn't getting to the supermarkets. Bloody typical.
The Government have said that it is all under control and not to panic as they have a plan to recruit more HGV drivers although nobody seems to have told the Road Haulage Association who have warned that: "There's no early end in sight to this' and the shortage will go on for 'at least another year or so'.
So what is the Governments plan? To issue short-term visas for overseas drivers to attract the same people back that they were so gung-ho to boot out in the first place in a brilliant Brixit U-turn.
With the National Insurance rise, food and CO2 shortages, 40% rise in gas prices, NHS backlog, the Universal credit cut and rising Coronavirus cases and deaths, the Government has got enough to be getting on with without long queues at the petrol stations but if the Winter of 1979 was called the Winter of discontent, the winter of 2021/22 isn't looking all that rosy either.

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