FOAB Information

Tuesday 21 September 2021

Special Guest Blogger: Barbara McClintock

Despite what certain people would have us believe, women throughout history have done things too and sometimes those things are quite important it's just that men have written most of the history books and wouldn't you know it? Us darn, sneaky ladies are nowhere to be found so let's put right that wrong now.
Geneticists ideas adhered strictly to the thought that parents pass on genes to their offspring via chromosomes that are immutably locked, meaning a parent passes on chromosomes just as they received them from their parents, and so on but while doing my Science job at the University of Missouri in 1948, i discovered that chromosomes can split and then repair themselves, leading to mutations which are then passed on to the offspring.
I took my findings to the top scientists at the University who smiled, patted me on the head and said my hair looked nice today and told me i was disturbing their very important meeting about important stuff and carried on without me.
After being being regularly excluded from staff meetings because obviously a woman's brain in a meeting would infect all the clever men with my knowledge of towel folding and how to iron pleats into a pair of trousers, i took off for the Carnegie Institution in New York instead and it was there, at the Cold Spring Harbor research facility, that nobody gave a damn about my silly lady-talk about chromosomes.
I continued to investigate my findings and discovered that certain parts of chromosomes could swap genes and took THAT to the head of Science who told me nah, you must have done the math wrong or something so i wrote letters and papers to all the scientific journals but to no avail so i gave up trying to get my work accepted, and moved on to other studies.
Three decades later the science world was abuzz about a male geneticists who had discovered that chromosomes can mutate and that certain parts of the chromosomes can swap genes and now that the work had been officially verified by testicle owners, it was accepted by the science community as revolutionary.
I wrote a piece for American Naturalist pointing out that i had discovered the same thing, in 1948, and provided all my workings and i was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine and the role of key researcher at the Laboratory so don't give up ladies, if you have something important to say then say it and if a man ignores you and tells you to stick to baking cookies, smash him in the face with a baking tray instead.

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