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Thursday 23 September 2021

Special Guest Blogger: Draco

It's not easy being cruel and popular at the same time but in the ancient Greek city of Athens the legal system was a bit of a pig's ear with the ruling elite governing the masses any damn way they pleased. They used a system of oral law and blood feud which only they knew, so they were free to arbitrarily do whatever they wanted in the Grecian courts and the Athenians were clogging up the courts on charges arguing that they didn't know whatever thing they did was a crime so the governing aristocratic families decided to put the laws in writing and hired me to write them down.
I wanted to keep it simple so i wrote stealing equals death, trespassing is also punishable by death, idleness means death, murder mean you are put to death unless you can think of something worse than that in which case do that too but you get the general idea and i presented a document of the laws by which the public were bound.
When asked why i had fixed the punishment of death for most offences, i said that most lesser crimes deserved it and i could not think of anything worse for the more important ones so pegged that at death also, which seemed fair enough.
So that no one would be unaware of them, they were posted on wooden tablets and placed in the City Centre and i achieved my goal of punishments which equaled the crime and not so dependent on what mood the judge was in that day and the Athenians liked that and i was so popular that special shows were put on to celebrate me where the Athenians would show their appreciation by showering me with their clothes as was the fashion at the time.
One show was delayed as a bronze statue of the star heavyweight boxer Theagenes 'son of Hercules' Thasos was being thrown into the sea after it had fallen onto someone and killed them showing that even inanimate objects were not above the sharp edge of my laws.
At one show i stepped out to soak up the praise of my adoring fans and as per tradition hats and cloaks rained down on me, and then more hats and cloaks and then more cloaks and hats until i had so many hats and cloaks piled on top of me that i was unable to move and suffocated to death.
From what i hear everyone has gone soft now and not many countries put their own people to death for trivial crimes much anymore but it is up to people like me to tell people what they can and can't do. Because if not, they're gonna live like heathens, steal your apples and be hanging around on your property. We need order!

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