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Thursday 16 September 2021

Special Guest Blogger: King Charles VI Of France

Aurevoir, King Charles VI of France or as i became known, Charles the Mad, because i had a few mental problems which resulted in more moods swings than your pregnant wife but i had the best medical professionals that the 14th Century had to offer and after one episode when i was convinced that i was made of glass and would shatter if anyone touched me, the doctors suggested my mental state was down to boredom and to keep me entertained and occupied, i should throw a costumed ball.
As the doctors orders were to party hearty, i went all out and went for a wildlife theme with my knights dressed in animal costumes made from the very best grease-soaked linen covered in flax, resin, and feathers.  
It was going great and then my brother, the Duke of Orleans, arrived at the party late and as drunk as only a French Duke could be and grabbed a candelabra and joined the dancing line.
Now grease soaked lined covered in flax, resin and feathers make great costumes but are not so much use when they come into contact with a naked flame from a candle on a candelabra held by a drunken idiot. Bet you can guess where this is going.
The party become known as 'The Ball of the Burning Men' which is aptly named as all the Knights were burned to death except one who leapt into a vat of water and me as my auntie threw her dress over me to put out the flames which meant the party was a bit of a bummer overall.
If nothing else the incident did alert the Palace to the importance of fire safety but it didn't do much for my mental state as neither did the English keep trying to kill me which is why i personally took charge of the troops at Agincourt.
There are certain jobs in the world where you just assume that the people doing them are competent but sometimes circumstances conspire to put the fate of a nation into the hands of people you wouldn't trust to sit the right way round on a toilet so we were routed despite the English being outnumbered twenty to one but me forgetting which side i on was during one battle and killing eight of my own soldiers before being overpowered and held down by my knights until i fell asleep never helped.
That's my story then and there is so much more but i can't hang around too long as i have just been polished and smudges are a nightmare to get off. Bonjour!

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