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Monday 13 September 2021

Special Guest Blogger: King Goujian of Yue

Wars are generally won by the side with the most advanced technology or the most soldiers so it isn't easy to think up new ways to win them but i came up with the idea of the most unorthodox ways of winning conflicts by proving that if i was a madman with little regard for my own sides safety, the other side would begin to worry so that's exactly what i did.
My family ruled over Yue, a state in China, and we never got along with our neighbours, the Wu's, and when my father died and i became King, i got a nasty present for my coronation when the Wu's attacked and i was captured and was taken prisoner and held in captivity for three years until i convinced the King of Wu that if he let me return to my state, i would not make any trouble and play real nice.
With a hearty farewell i bid the King goodbye and spent the next decade devising strategies for some payback and waiting for the opportune time to strike which was handily provided by a locust-induced famine which struck Wu, so i marched my army and all of the criminals who had been sentenced to death in our prison to the border.
Wu sent their army to meet us and we stood either side of the border staring at each other waiting for the command to start hacking each other to pieces and this is where my masterplan came into effect.
I ordered all the convicts to the front and told them to take a few steps forward and in full view of the enemy, ordered the men to take out knives, scream, and slit their own throats.
A few hesitated but the massive army of armed-to-the-teeth soldiers standing right behind them soon solved that and after that, i sent in another wave of soon to be dead anyway convicts, then another until all the criminals lay on the ground with their windpipes slashed by their own hand.
The enemy troops, not knowing they were convicts and assuming they were regular army, stared slack-jawed and contemplated how they could hope to fight people who were prepared to kill themselves and as they pondered on that, the rest of my forces sneaked up from behind and annihilate them.
As we marched onto the capital, the King of Wu committed suicide and we eventually took over and annexed the state and everyone lived happily ever after, except for the Wu academics, we slaughtered all them but everyone else was okay about it.

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