FOAB Information

Friday 22 October 2021

Deadly Incompetent Or Enacting A Hidden Agenda?

As the Coronavirus numbers hit 50,000 new infections and 180 deaths a day, the Government are saying that they won't be implementing plan B but they are keeping an eye on things but it is not that sense that they should be using because despite them saying that the NHS is not overwhelmed, that is exactly what almost every Medical authority, doctor and nurse is screaming at them.
The Health Secretary said that we can expect to see 100,000 new infections daily in winter as the Governments reckless social experiment   with almost all the previous restrictions on everyday life in England under Covid removed to see how things go, and it isn't going very well as our 4th place in the grim Global Death toll league shows.
England has become one of the worst places for infections in the world, despite a high degree of vaccinations and since the right-wing Conservatives took over in 2010, we have seen 140,000 Coronavirus deaths to add to the 57,000 deaths that their austerity policies led to and you do have to wonder why Boris Johnson hasn't been dragged from Downing Street by pitch-fork wielding locals.
Either the Government are deadly incompetent or they have another agenda which i am starting to believe could be behind their pondering and dithering reaction over the past 18 months.
I spoke to a lady during the week who was due to go to hospital for a minor operation but due to the lengthening NHS waiting times, patients waiting for treatment currently stands at 5,715,698, was told it has had to be postponed for at least a year but, and here's the kicker, if she went private she could get it done next week.
The Conservatives have never liked the NHS, it accounts for a large chunk of the economy and goes very much against their ideology and have been underfunding it and quietly hiving off parts of it to the private sector ever since they came to power so the pandemic has been a golden opportunity to nudge people into pricey Private Healthcare.
It is therefore in their ideological favour for Brits, desperate for surgery, to shun the NHS and go elsewhere, less patients means they don't need to fund it so much and can probably move whole departments to the private sector, as they did with dentists and opticians.
All makes sense now of why the Government are comfortable with 100,000 new infections and a horribly overstretched NHS, it is using the pandemic to usher in an American style healthcare system where your treatment depends on your ability to pay as they have always wanted, but have not been able to find a way to do it, until now. Then again they could just be really, really incompetent so let’s not rule that out either.

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