FOAB Information

Sunday 17 October 2021

Éric Zemmour: The French Donald Trump

The French elections are coming up and although the present President Emmanuel Macron has a 10 point lead, interesting to hear that they have their eye on the far right and Marine Le Pen and Éric Zemmour who is being called the French Donald Trump.
Obviously my mind went to a morbidly obese man with awful hair and fluorescent orange skin but when i saw him he looked boringly normal so i guess it must be that like the laughably idiotic Trump, he is a raging racist and it turns out he is as his speeches seem to focus on the three i's, immigration, identity and Islam and a bonus 'm' in banning the name Mohamed.
A former journalist, Zemmour identifies himself as a Bonapartist who base their belief system on the dinky French Emperor and considering that he was the 19th Century version of Hitler invading his way across Europe, that isn't a great starting point but maybe he isn't so bad once you actually look at his policies which include his defence of the Nazi collaborationist Vichy regime and stopping the threat of a 'Great Replacement' which is the replacement of France’s white, Christian population with people who are not as white or as Christian as him and his followers.  
So far so whack-a-doodle Trump but it isn't just any old non-White Christians he is against, it's specifically Muslims, feminists, homosexuals, black people and Arabs and throw in that he has been accused of inappropriate sexual behaviour by several women, the Trump comparisons suddenly make sense.
The French election, like America's, gone on far too long and the first round is in December but we won't know who of the 40 starters, who will be left standing in April but unlike the Americans, the French are too clever to vote for a right wing racist with a thing for the Nazi's who has been accused of sexually assaulting women, if the election of Trump taught us anything, it's that never ends well.

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