FOAB Information

Friday 8 October 2021

Missed Rolling Up My Sleeve

I missed my slot for my seasonal flu jab this week which usually would be greeted with a shrug of 'oh well' but today the Health chiefs have issued a warning that there is: 'a realistic possibility that the UK will see a surge in flu cases this winter' and England's deputy chief medical officer, Professor Jonathan Van-Tam, is using the winter of 1989/90 and the 19,000 excess deaths as a marker of what to expect this season.
The report mentioned a triple threat of coronavirus, flu and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) due to
extremely low flu infection rates last winter means community immunity will be much lower as we head into the flu season.
In an average year, 11,000 people die from flu in England while in 2020, the death toll from Coronavirus was 72,178 so to have both circulating at the same time is a worrying prospect, especially at the UK Government seem to have given up any pretense of battling Coronavirus and we are currently contracting 40,000 new cases a day in what is considered to be the time of lowest transmission.
With the economy tanking spectacularly due to the madness that is Brexit and the strain of the Coronavirus struggle, the Government will be desperate to try to avoid another expensive lock-down although the cynic in me say's that the last 15 months Covid implications has acted as a very convenient fig leaf to blame all the problems on and not the Brexit deal they gave us which saw many EU citizens driving lorries and picking fruit decide that Britain was not a place they wanted to be.
I am sure that i will get a text inviting me to another session where i can roll up my sleeve and close my eyes because where generally i would have had that internal argument about i haven't had flu for 20 years so it isn't such a priority, i think i will make the effort to chase it up this year.

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