FOAB Information

Thursday 7 October 2021

Special Guest Blogger: Billy Tipton

Throughout history, men and women have disguised themselves as the opposite sex, some of them really, really well right up until some surprise genitals turn up, or don't turn up, in a medical emergency.
Born Dorothy with all the required female bits, i loved jazz and tried to join my Missouri High School band and was told no women allowed because they lacked testicles, which are obviously necessary for making music, so i returned home to Oklahoma, started binding my breasts and dressing as a man and joined bands calling myself Billy Tipton.
At first it was just to fool people so i could play jazz gigs, but i dug it so much and nobody seemed to realise that i was a woman and when i became the leader of a band playing on KFXR radio and began touring the Midwest and greater things were coming down the line such as a recording deal, i realised that i had to keep my secret, declared myself a full time member of the penis owning club and so began living full time as a man.
Our success grew and we began getting more work and were performing at all the top clubs along with all the big names of the era and still nobody noticed the guy at the front pounding the piano keys was actually a female.
Incredibly, i got away with it during several relationship with women including four 'wives' to who i explained the lack of bedroom activity was down to a serious car accident and the bandaged chest was broken ribs from when i was a child and nothing down there worked so we had better visit the orphanage if children were required.
I was the adopted 'father' to three sons but in the late 50's jazz was on the way out and rock n roll was on the way in so i decided to bail out while the going was still good and took my well disguised womanly bits to Spokane, Washington to became a talent broker.
I managed to keep my secret until i was on my death bed, dying from a peptic ulcer and the paramedics who were trying to save my life removed my shirt to give me CPR and things either popped out or failed to pop out, possibly both, and my son William got the surprise of his life.
My son, bless him, had me cremated to try and keep my secret but word got out and four very shocked 'wives' and band mates turned up at my funeral service but i could never work out if i had been very, very clever or the people around me all that time were very, very stupid.

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