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Tuesday 26 October 2021

Special Guest Blogger: Norse God Týr

Who doesn't love a Tuesday? It's one of the best between Monday and Wednesday type days we've got and while it may not have the glamour and excitement of a Saturday night or the mournfulness of a Monday morn, it's the good old fashioned, honest to goodness, down to earth, Tuesday, or 'Týr's Day' to give it the proper name.
Who the bloody hell is that you might be saying, and if you are you want to watch yourself matey because i was one of the top Norse Gods responsible for single combat and law and justice and i will give you a left hook to the chops, it would be a right hand to the chops only i had that bitten off by Fenrir, my pet giant wolf.
Fenrir was only a pup, but he was growing quickly and the gods feared he would rear up and make a snack of them so fearing for their lives, they would entice him into playing a game in which they would try to ensnare him but whatever they used, the wolf would break free so the dwarves of Svartalfheim constructed a set of fetters and the gods challenged him to one final game but Fenrir knew the clever dwarves were involved and was afraid that if he couldn't escape, he would be bound forever so he only consented to the game if one of the Gods would stick an arm in his mouth as a pledge of good faith.
Only i was willing/stupid to do so the Gods bound him, he struggled but was unable to break them so bit down on my arm and so began a career of having the words 'the one armed God...' added before my name.
As the son of Odin and Frigga, i was a member of the Aesir tribe which included Thor and they were all about the war and bloodshed and although i was often invoked in battle, Thor was the man for invoking the brute physical combat, i was more about the paperwork and the legal decisions and principles of justice surrounding war.
I was also known for creating puzzles that no mortal mind could solve, like what has cities, mountains and water but no houses, trees or fish or my personal favourite which word in the dictionary is always spelt incorrectly?
Another good one was what can you hold in your left hand, but never in your right hand? Obviously it's your right hand which was especially true for me after Fenrir when i became very left-handed but there are some things that are so baffling that not even a God could answer because i've been to parallel universes, i've seen time running backwards, i've seen Goddesses so beautiful they would drive men insane and vanquished unbeatable enemies but i'm buggered if i know who the hell buys Country and Western albums.

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