FOAB Information

Sunday 31 October 2021

The Top 10 Historic Polluters

In total, humans have pumped around 2,500 billion tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere since 1850 which has warmed the planet by 1.2C and an argument coming from smaller and poorer nations is that those countries which have added most to the CO2 into our atmosphere and therefore warming our planet and causing the accumulating problems today should take on the greatest responsibility in tackling it.
A study by Carbon Relief has put together a league table of the worst polluters since records began in 1850 and those who should be shouldering the burden of putting it right and comfortably top of the table is the United States who have pumped 509,111 billion tonnes of CO2 (20% of the total) into the atmosphere.
Second with 284,476 billion tonnes of emissions (11.4%) is China and their figure is alarming because most of that has come since the 1970's when China began industrialising in earnest and is now the Worlds ​​largest annual polluter.
R​ussia comes in third (172,432 bn tonnes), ​followed by Brazil (112,903 bn tonnes), Indonesia (102,559 bn tonnes), Germany (88,485 bn tonnes), India (85,668 bn tonnes), UK (74,294 bn tonnes), Japan (68,002bn tonnes) and Canada (65,501bn tonnes) rounding out the top 10.
Of the top 10 who have contributed to the warming Planet, six of the top 10 have yet to make new pledges to cut their emissions before the crucial UN Cop 26 climate summit in Glasgow this week.
Carbon dioxide remains in the atmosphere for centuries and the cumulative amount of CO2 emitted since 1850 is directly linked to the 1.2C of heating that the world has already seen.
Mohamed Nasheed, ambassador for the Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) called for justice for the severe climate impacts the nations he represents are suffering because of the emissions from big economies that have grown rich from burning fossil fuels by saying: 'Basic justice demands that those who have done most to cause the climate emergency should take the lead in addressing it. The responsibility lies principally with the US, China and Russia'.
Boris Johnson, a late convert to the Green agenda, agreed and replied that: 'We started the industrial revolution in Britain. We were the first to send the great puffs of acrid smoke to the heavens on a scale to derange the natural order'.  
An IPCC climate report compiled by 200 Climate scientists states that is Earth is warmer than it’s been in 125,000 years, before the last ice age, and the current path we are on will see global temperatures rise by 2.1C–3.5C and the last time the Earth temperature raised by that amount it happened over 11,000 years meaning we have achieved in 170 what it took nature 11,000 years to do dismissing the flawed and ignorant argument that the warming planet is a natural cycle and not man made.
The Paris agreement was to keep the temperature to below 1.5C, the World Health Organisation estimates that the current rise of 1.2C results in over 150,000 deaths annually so already baked in is the more frequent and widespread extreme weather events such as heatwaves, heavy rainfall, drought, wildfires and ocean acidification.
We are therefore committed to the deadly effects of the rapidly warming planet we have so recklessly warmed, our actions now will  determine how much of the more dire effects of climate change can be avoided, the future is literally in our leaders hands.

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