FOAB Information

Monday 29 November 2021

Omicron On It's Way To UK

I have always given the Government the benefit of the doubt with the Coronavirus when they said that their main target was to stop the NHS being overwhelmed, to me the main target should be to stop people dying but if we stretch their comment then if the NHS is overwhelmed then people will die as they cannot be treated so i cut them some slack on that one.
Now with the new Omicron Variant worrying enough scientists that it will be able to evade the vaccines we were banking on to return to some sort of normality, it feels like we have taken an almighty step backwards and there was one scientist on TV this morning saying  that the mutations are so numerous that it could be considered a new virus altogether, COVID-21.
It's still early days and the scientists are still gathering the data so it would be irresponsible to jump to any conclusions until we have all the details but many nations have already decided that it is worrying enough to bring down some of the shutters they had tentatively been lifting recently.
Here in the UK the Government, hopefully learning a lesson from their previous awful decisions and horrific death-toll, have rolled back on some of the restrictions they recklessly threw out completely in July with face masks being mandated again in certain situations and booster jabs considered being offered earlier than the six months gap although the advice from their own science advisors is that they need to go much further.
We have a new Health Secretary, Sajid Javid, after the last one was photographed breaking his own Covid rules with a female 'friend' who wasn't his wife, and Sajid was on TV over the weekend saying that: 'The reason we've set out these measures is to protect the progress we've made so we can all continue to enjoy Christmas with our families'.
Hmmm...with around 150 people a day still dying from Coronavirus in the UK, and with 26 days until Christmas that’s approximately 4,000 people whose families will be sadly having an extra seat at the Christmas Dinner this year, the Government obviously are happy enough to accept that devastating figure and maintain the status quo to avoid bringing in tougher restrictions which would affect the progress we have made.
We know by that they mean the economy, it was the reason they threw the restrictions out in July, they even made the case a few weeks ago that we won't be affected so badly by another wave which was building in mainland Europe because our figures are already so high and when your argument against stopping something awful happening is because things here are already so awful, you will always find it hard to argue with the absurd mentality behind it.
Hopefully the Omicron variant will not be as game changing as feared but if it isn't it will be despite Boris and his gang rather than because of them and we can look forward to Christmas and staying with the appalling 55,000 Covid deaths a year the Government are willing to tolerate.

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