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Tuesday 2 November 2021

Special Guest Blogger: Erwin Schrödinger

I was a Nobel Prize-winning physicist who developed a number of fundamental results in quantum theory like the Schrödinger equation to calculate the wave function of a system and wrote many works on statistical mechanics and thermodynamics, physics of dielectrics, colour theory, electrodynamics, general relativity, and cosmology but mention my name and nobody remembers all that, all everyone say's is 'Oh, the cat guy'.
I left Germany because i couldn't stand the intolerance that was permeating throughout the nation coming from the growing supporters of the Nazi's and moved to England and took a job at the University of Oxford but British intolerance reared its head as they disapproved that i lived with both my wife and my mistress so i moved back to Austria and the University of Vienna.
Being an award winning scientist was sexy back then and i had my fair share of teenage students including two twins but one got pregnant, they were identical so im unsure which one it was, so when she told me she thought she might be with child, i explained that technically she was both pregnant and not pregnant until she took the test which said she was indeed pregnant so i paid for an abortion which went wrong and left her sterile.
By 1936 the Nazi's were really getting their act together so i got sacked from the University for opposing their anti-semitism so moved to Italy which was a bit of a non-starter as fascism was a thing there also so i moved to Ireland with my wife and mistress.
As for the cat thing, i came up with the idea of the pet being both alive and dead along with Einstein to try and show how ridiculous the notion was, he said in the concept of quantum superposition, an unstable keg of gunpowder will contain a superposition of both exploded and unexploded states until it has been observed and i went yeah, like a cat in a box with a radioactive substance can be both alive and dead until you bother to check which one it is and that became my legacy but nobody calls him the Gunpowder keg guy.

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