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Thursday 4 November 2021

Special Guest Blogger: Hindu God Brahma

I'm not here to knock other religions, some are okayish while others are just crazy (looking at you scientology) but what all seem to have is a far fetched start of everything story, seriously, some of the things i hear which are believed make me shake my head in despair and that isn't so easy to do when you have four of them.
Sit down and grab yourself a drink (nothing alcoholic) and i will explain to you how you all got here and it doesn't involve breathing into the nostrils of lumps of clay or fleas dropping off a coat.
In the very beginning i pondered, and my first thought was that i really should exist so i thought myself a nice golden egg to be born out of and there i was, inside an egg sitting on a Lotus flower.
Next i took a look around and it all seemed very empty so i decided to create the Universe but i didn’t just knock it out on a wild whim like other creator gods i could mention. Oh no, i planned it all properly after much meditation and even created a team of assistants called the Prajâpatis to manage operations.
I took my lotus flower and separated it into three parts of the heavens, the Earth and the sky and it all looked okay but there was something missing so i split myself into two to create a male and a female. From this first male and female all beings were created.
The woman was called Shatarupa and she was a cracker, a real beauty but she was shy and when i looked at her she would turn away but in every direction she moved, i sprouted a head until i had developed four of them.
With the World created and my job done and with three more heads then i had anticipated, i left the maintenance and upkeep to Vishnu and Shiva and i said that i was taking a well earned break and took my four heads to stay aloof and just gaze upon my creation, looking to the four corners of the Earth.
So you see the entire universe you perceive is just an infinitely tiny blip in the infinite infinity of infinity and true reality is impossible to know except by looking inwards to your own soul. When you understand yourself, you understand the universe so go meditate on that and not on how if the world is round, how can i be looking into it's four corners, forget that bit, your mortal mind wouldn't understand it.

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