FOAB Information

Friday 10 December 2021

A Bad Week For Boris

There is an outside chance that Great Britain might get a Christmas Present this year in the shape of a shiny new Prime Minister because the one we have at the moment is drowning in sleaze and lies.
Hot on the heels of him denying a party took place in number 10 days after he put the nation into lock-down and then a video appearing of his staff laughing about the Christmas Party they held, he has been caught out lying about not knowing about who paid for his flat redecoration despite a WhatsApp message where Boris himself asked, and it was agreed, that a rich donor, Lord Brownlow, would pay for it.
Between Partygate on Monday and Wallpapergate on Thursday came Kabulgate where Boris denied prioritising animals over humans desperate to escape the Taliban and then a letter appeared where he seemed to give the okay for a plane to land, pick up and fly back a load of dogs.
With stories of yet more parties at Number 10 when the rest of us was obeying the rules Boris handed down, the Tories are now 7 points behind Labour and the alarm bells are ringing in Tory Central as the anger grows but those who voted for this mob only have themselves to blame, Boris was a proven
liar before he became PM so what made them think he would do anything different once in Charge?
It began with the Brexit lies, carried on into lying to the Queen over suspending parliament, has a roomful of enquiries ongoing over his PPE contracts for his friends and nobody has seen any of the 40 new hospitals he promised which turned out to be not so much new as we understand them but old ones given a lick of paint.
Boris will fight to stay in his job, he was on TV today saying: 'Let me explain' which is a sure sign he was about to start lying but then him taking a breath is also a sure sign he is about to start lying but with open revolt in his Party and murmurs growing that his MPs are already asking around for a replacement, he could be taking the Maggie Thatcher route in the back of a taxi our of Downing Street any day.
The problem is, i take a look around the current bunch of Conservatives and i don't fancy any of them to be a better choice to take charge so we will have to settle for the least worse until Election Day in 2024.

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