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Saturday 18 December 2021

Another Rock N Roll Christmas - Gary Glitter

Of all the Christmas songs which have been recorded, only the best can make it into The Lucy Museum of Musicians who deserve entry to Lucy's Museum of Musicians and at number four we have Another Rock N Roll Christmas by Gary Glitter.

I always have a bit of a dilemma with this song because it is a brilliant song but it's sung by convicted paedophile Gary Glitter and there in lies the dilemma of whether it is okay to listen to it and actually admit to liking it.
Since his arrest for possession of child pornography Glitter has been an outcast and his records banished from the TV and radio but pre his arrest in 1997, Gliter was a national treasure and 'Another Rock n Roll Christmas' was played on the radio as much as The Pogues, Slade's and Wizard's festive efforts are now.
I have even heard Rock and Roll pt.2 played at US sporting events althoigh they probably have no idea who it is or what he did so i will still listen to his 80's Christmas song about raising a glass for old lang syne and kissing under the mistletoe because i grew up with this song as a Christmas staple and it is a very good Festive song but to answer a question he posed in his glam rock glory days, I'll pass on being in your gang thanks Gary.

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