FOAB Information

Wednesday 22 December 2021

Cancel Culture Only Bad For The Bigot's

When i was growing up, if you were black, Irish, disabled, Jewish, homosexual a women or any other group that wasn't white British male, then you would be the butt of jokes or worse discriminatory behaviour but thankfully as the 70's turned into the 80's, society changed and those vile views became unacceptable and the sorts of people who felt put out that they could no longer offend anyone they wanted called it Political Correctness.
Now it seems to have become 'Cancel Culture' and 'against Freedom of Speech' but it's the same thing, the people who complain about being cancelled are the ones finding that their offensive view are being challenged by a society that has moved on and in wishing to create a kinder, more tolerant world, refuse to accept hateful, extreme language.
Political Correctness, and it's new Cancel Culture sibling, has ushered in a time of respect and civility for all, where unnecessary offense is avoided and everyone in society has the same opportunities regardless of the colour of your skin, if you are in a wheelchair, if you are Jewish or if you have a vagina and how can anybody seriously say that the disappearance of jokes about Paki's, Spastics or Golliwogs is a bad thing?
Some people will always hold abhorrent views by those who remember the days when they could speak without fear of being accused of upsetting one minority in society or another but society has moved on and it is pleasing to see that it is the younger generation prioritising preventing hateful offensive speech over bigots being able to say what they want regardless of who they offend with their outdated views which are now being weeded out.
A peaceful society is built upon respect and tolerance for all of it's members and although there is still some way to go, we have become a more tolerant, fairer and more culturally aware society reflecting the kind of society most of us want to live in where offending people is frowned upon, the unfortunate part is that it has taken so long.

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