FOAB Information

Friday 3 December 2021

Party On Say's Boris

Hours after a Government scientists told people to be careful over the Christmas with the Chief Executive of the UK Health Security Agency, Jenny Harris, even deciding that she isn't going to just thoughtlessly blurt out whatever nonsense the Government ask her to and said that we should decrease our social contacts a little bit to help keep the new variant at bay, Boris comes out and poo-poos all her advice.
Boris, in his style of cheering that everything is going to turn out for the best right up until the time it invariably doesn’t, say's that there is no need to cancel Christmas parties although the bit he left out was 'like last year', well not for them anyway because while he cancelled Christmas for everyone else, his parties still went ahead in full swing.  
Now to us pheasants, a booze up with a couple of dozen people in one room with food and games is a party but not to Boris who is trying to persuade everyone that it wasn't a party but 'a gathering of work colleagues' and no Government guidelines were breached in the December 18th meeting which would hold more water if two days before, on the 16th, he hadn't announced London entering a Tier 3 lock-down, meaning people were not allowed to mix indoors with anyone outside their household or support bubble.
Just to avoid any confusion, the guidance specifically stated: "You must not have a work Christmas lunch or party, where that is a primarily social activity and is not otherwise permitted by the rules in your tier'.
As people were fied up to £10,000 for holding parties during lock-down last year, the Police are sure to be taking an interest but the Tories are pursuing their fatal agenda of economy first, people who keep the economy going, second and moving on to this Christmas and saying that they will be holding Festive Parties and everyone should 'Keep Calm and Carry on with whatever they planned.
I’m not sure how we'd cope if a load of Tories caught Covid which kept them out of work for an extended period of time but i suppose we would just have to keep calm and carry on i guess.

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