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Friday 31 December 2021

Psychic Predictions For 2022

As i sit here, 2021 is fading and 2022 is closing in fast and it is only natural to ponder what will the new year bring. Well, we can stop pondering because Moses may have had to go to Mount Sinai to hear spirit voices and Muhammad travelled to Mount Hira but in the case of psychic Nicolas Aujula, he is so good (in previous lives he was an Egyptian queen, a lion and lived in another galaxy) that the spirits come to his front room and as he charges £350 to £1950 for his services, he must be good so he has given us a peek at what the powers that be have been whispering into his ear of what will unfold in 2022.

Another global health issue – this time swine flu.
Terror attack in Paris  
Public figure assassinated in the US.
Boris Johnson still British PM at the end of the year
Poland to leave the EU,
A shocking scandal around testing on gerbils.
Japan and South Korea will be rocked by Richter 8 earthquake.
There will be a mass recall of chicken soup.
A major oil spill on the motorway in the UK will cause multiple fatalities.
Someone called Jackie will become a Global Superstar
An asteroid that is heading for earth is diverted by the military firing a missile at it

I have taken out the vague ones and just left the ones we can check so there we go then, ease up on the Chicken Soup, don't move into a high rise apartment in Japan and if you are called Jackie then start writing out your resignation letter.

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