FOAB Information

Tuesday 7 December 2021

Wake Up Joe, It's For You

Apart from the time he fell asleep at the COP27 summit and a joke about him being the first person in history that had to be woken up to be put to sleep for an operation, we haven't heard too much about American President Joe Biden which is not a bad thing but he had better make sure he has some strong coffee today because he has to make the most important phone call of his Presidency with Vladimir Putin.
The Russian President, who was on much friendlier terms with the Biden Predecessor, Donald Trump, has been menacing the Ukrainian border with 100,000 of his troops and has led Ukraine to accuse Russia of preparing for a military offensive like in 2014 when they peeled Crimea away from Ukraine.
US President Joe Biden, meanwhile, has pledged his 'unwavering support' to Ukraine and is warning that if Russia invades Ukraine, he will bring down the might of US sanctions but Russia has replied that it's troop build up is not a threat to its neighbour and what it does with it's own troops inside Russia is no concern to anyone else.
As Ukraine is not part of NATO and therefore is not protected under the principle that an attack against one members is considered an attack against all, if Russia does attack it won't necessarily lead to a direct war between Russia and the West but it will make things very nervy.
Maybe after his call with Putin has ended he can put one into President Xi of China after Joe announced
the US government’s diplomatic boycott of next year’s Winter Olympics to which China replied that US diplomats had not even been invited to Beijing in the first place so maybe he can wangle an invite which he can then pull out of, or maybe he will just go for a nap.

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