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Tuesday 4 January 2022

Emma Watson Triggers Predictable Anti-Semite Alarm

Anyone who knows me, knows also that i don't think much of Israel due to their awful genocidal behaviour towards the Palestinians. Not the country but the people who run it and the way they conduct their affairs.
To some with no real argument, that makes me an anti-Semite, that handy, overly used catch-all phrase bandied about with abandon to try and dampen any criticism of Israel as Emma Watson has found out today after after she posted a message of support for the Palestinian cause.
Predictably, the anti-Semite alarm was triggered and calls of Watson being an anti-Semite came from Israel’s former ambassador to the United Nations who posted '10 points from Gryffindor for being an antisemite' and Israel’s current ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan, who ranted about the evils of Hamas and the terror supporting Palestinian Authority.
Britain has recently rewrote the definition of antisemitism and defines it as: 'language or behaviour that displays hatred towards Jews because they are Jews' but when anyone criticises Israel, the Jews automatically scream 'anti-semitism' to try and shut it down which only waters down the shouts when real anti-semitism is spouted.
I have cringed and corrected people many times when they have failed to separate Judaism and Israel when criticising the countries actions and far worse is when they physically attack Jews whose only connection with Israel is their religion.
What some people fail to recognise is that being Jewish does not make you an Israeli as being Roman Catholic does not make you Italian so they fail to engage the few braincells that they possess and attack an innocent religion but criticizing Israel for it's actions as we criticize Russia, America or Britain if they did the same is not the same as criticizing Jews, nobody went after Christians when George W Bush and Tony Blair were at their warmongering worst and it would have been ridiculous if they had.   
I once had a long discussion here with someone who tried to choke off my criticism of Israel by calling me an anti-Semite during one of the many times when Israel was pounding Gaza and his argument was that by me having a go at Israel, I was also having a go at Jews because they are the only Jewish state.
My counter argument was if that is the criteria then any criticism of England is anti-Church of England because we are the only Church of England nation.
The Palestinians are heavily criticised when they fire their rockets into Israel but when Israel seize land and build settlements on it, defy UN resolutions, kill innocent Palestinians, hold over 9000 Palestinians in its prisons, destroy farms, bulldoze homes and businesses, builds a monstrous wall deemed illegal by the international court of justice amongst numerous other violations involving war crimes of using Palestinian children as human shields, deliberate bombing of civilian houses and UN buildings and targeting innocent civilians, we shouldn't stay silent.
When a country acts badly, whoever it is, it should be condemned. When a country continually acts badly, it should be continually condemned and i don't buy the right to defend itself argument, every nation in the World has that right, including the Palestinians and your right to defend yourself is on shaky ground when you are defending yourself against the people you have been murdering and occupying for the best part of seven decades.
The reason Israel is criticised so much is just has a lot to be criticised but what the Israeli Government want is for the Palestinians and the rest of us to meekly remain quiet while Israel continues to violently colonize their land in one of the greatest atrocities since the 2nd World War.

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