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Saturday 29 January 2022

Joe Rogan Not The Usual Loud Mouth Idiot

I don't know much about Joe Rogan but from what i have heard he is being portrayed as the typical boorish, loud mouth with ignorant views on things like Covid Vaccinations and Climate Change and Neil Young and Joni Mitchell don't like him for spreading misinformation around Coronavirus.
Reading his Wikipedia entry, i expected a ridiculous Trump like character and it says he started out as a comedian and supports same-sex marriage, gay rights, women's rights, universal health care and universal basic income and even endorsed Bernie Sanders during the last Election and in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic, he firstly said that young and healthy people should not be concerned about
getting COVID-19 and then apologised, withdrew his remarks and called himself 'a moron'
Where the controversy comes in is his support on his podcast for non-endorsed medical treatments for COVID-19 such as Ivermectin, a drug usually taken to treat parasitic infestations which led to a spike in poison-related hospitalisations of people who had self-medicated with Ivermectin designed to treat ailments in livestock.
With his podcast having 1 million listeners, his words have a far reach and in 2020 he signed a $100 million deal with  Spotify which is where singers Neil Young and Joni Mitchell have now ordered their music be removed from as the streaming giant was allowing 'irresponsible people to spread lies that are costing people their lives'.
Even singer James Blunt has weighed in, showing a surprising sense of humour that if Spotify doesn't immediately remove Joe Rogan, he will release new music onto the platform.
Rogan doesn't sound like your normal, uneducated right winger who usually spouts off inane nonsense about things they know nothing about but due to his reach, what he says is very influential so to actively promote non-endorsed medical procedures which are actually resulting in peoples deaths is highly dangerous although the Invermectin he endorsed is not the Invermectin that his listeners have been buying over the counter and stupidly ingesting.    
Spotify, having shelled out a fortune to host his podcast, have probably done a cost analysis and worked out that the money earned by listeners to Neil Young and Joni Mitchell back catalogue is chickenfeed compared to what they make from Rogan so they can wave goodbye to those two with no real ill-effect but things may get interesting if some bigger names join the boycott.
Rogan, for his part, should make it crystal clear that the Ivermectin he supports IS NOT THE LIVESTOCK STUFF YOU BUY OVER THE COUNTER SO DON'T BE SO EFFING STUPID TO TAKE IT because in a country where 4 people died drinking bleach after the terminally stupid Donald Trump endorsed that, these things obviously need to be spelt out and it may not sooth Young and Mitchell but it could save some lives.
As I said at the start, i know nothing of Rogan and he may have some other views i vehemently disagree with but it seems it is a problem he could easily go partway to fixing and he showed before that he is not averse to correcting himself and calling himself a moron when necessary.

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