FOAB Information

Wednesday 12 January 2022

Prince Andrew And Problem Of Paying A Settlement

Prince Andrews latest attempt to play the get out of trial free card and avoid facing Virginia Giuffre’s sexual abuse lawsuit has been rejected by the judge and now he faces a reputation damaging civil case in America.
As much as Andrew and the Royal's want the case to go away, it is now full steam ahead to the court but Andrew could delay proceedings by tying events up with an Appeal which will just keep him and the accusations in the spotlight for years to come.
As a court case will trawl through Andrew's history, which could prove very uncomfortable for someone who reveled in his nickname of 'Randy Andy', he could just refuse to testify but that would very much go against him with the jury and as a potential criminal case could follow it would not be a wise move.
The lawyers are now saying that the only possible way to make it all go away very quickly would be a settlement where both sides could agree to an amount that would bring proceedings to a close without a decision needing to made in a court of law but while that may be acceptable in America, Brits see it in a very different way and judge it as as a tacit admissions of guilt.
Legally there is no admission of guilt attached to an out of court settlement but to many it is paying for the problem, and a likely guilty verdict, to go away due to the accused holding a very weak case they wouldn't win in court, if they had a strong case they were confident of winning then why make any payment to the accuser at all?
If the Prince does take that route and pays out hundreds of thousands to Virginia Giuffre, he will forever be, in British eyes at least, the guy who sexually abused a minor and then bought her silence to avoid prosecution.

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