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Friday 4 February 2022

Cosmos Saying I Should Keep My Big Mouth Shut

We have just got back from a short stay with some Chinese friends to celebrate the Chinese New Year and i never want to see a noodle ever again so Xīnnián kuàilè 新年快乐 to all Mandarin speakers.
I left my work phone at home and got back to so many missed calls and texts and Whatapps messages so that turned out to be a wise decision because in those four days that i was dropping noodles off chopsticks onto my clothes and supping Baijiu (at 60% proof you have to sup it or you will be flat on your back), Boris Johnson and his party went into meltdown.
The Gray report was immediately followed by Boris attempting to throw the dead cat of Keir Starmer not prosecuting Jimmy Saville which bounced forcibly straight back into his smirking face with five (at the moment) of his team quitting at the erroneous slur.
Apart from the few ridiculous cabinet members usually seen brown nosing the Prime Minister, the Conservative Party are talking of when and not if Boris is unceremoniously dragged from Downing Street but i for one hope he hangs around a bit longer, he is doing so much damage to his own party as it implodes that the other parties just need to sit back and let them get on with them inflicting the irreparable damage on themselves.
While away i did get a nudge from the Universe through the medium of 90's singer Annie Lennox and her song 'Why', a song i haven't heard since the 90's and then hearing three times in two days and so i looked up the lyrics to see just what the Cosmos was trying to tell me.    
It was a song sung by Annie Lennox when Dave Stewart and her split and was about her nervousness of going it alone and seems to be blaming herself for the split as in the lines 'I told myself too many times, Why don't you ever learn to keep your big mouth shut' and 'How many times do I have to try to tell you, That I'm sorry for the things I've done' but those bits don't particularly ring true so i looked some more and hit 'Why can't you see this boat is sinking, Let's go down to the water's edge' which i did get as our hotel was on a river and my husband and i spent many hours just sitting watching the wildlife serenely float by and there was a couple of sunken, abandoned rowing boats which became visible once the tide went out.
We did have a conversation about all the travelling i have been doing these past 18 months and how it's either moving or finding a new job closer to home, neither of which is very appealing, but usually whenever the Cosmos sends me a sign through music they do make sense but i am stumped with this
one unless it is warning me to 'keep my big mouth shut', possibly while attempting to eat noodles because noodle sauce stains on a white jumper is not a dignified look for anyone. Thanks Annie, just say it earlier next time!!

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