FOAB Information

Sunday 27 February 2022

Hiring The Removal Van Before WW3

Us humans are allegedly the smartest species on the planet but some people who have their finger on a giant red button that could annihilate all life on the planet obviously challenge that theory so with our leaders seemingly getting more and more stupider, it is almost inevitable that at some point we wil blow up our stupid selves and we will be watching a mushroom cloud spread out across the sky which means that we really should be considering the safest place to go should the big boom take place.
My first thought is that all the nuclear armed nations are in the Northern Hemisphere so while they are turning each others countries into giant holes, it would have to be South of the equator and there are no major air currents running from north to south so the radiation fall-out won't make it past the middle barrier but with half a world to look at, where should i park up?
Luckily there are computer simulations which determine the safest places and they suggest anywhere in New Zealand and it does have a warm, enjoyable climate to spend your end of days in comfort or Perth on the East coast of Australia which is well away from anything else, so should be safe but there is only one place where you would be safest, Antarctica.
Now i am sure Antarctica is a lovely place and the pro is that you won't be vapourised by a nuclear weapon or die coughing up your own internal organs from radiation poisoning but quite a large con is that it’s a bit chilly, my MetCheck weather app shows it is -48C there at the moment and i don't think my scarf and coat will cut it, even if i throw on my woolly bobble hat popping to the local shops is a gamble with returning with a pint of milk or becoming a Popsicle halfway there.
I think therefore that it would be New Zealand over Australia for three reasons, New Zealand's scenery is magnificent, New Zealander's seem very nice people and thirdly they speak English there, i'm not sure what they speak in Australia but it sure isn’t any type of English i know.

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