FOAB Information

Monday 21 February 2022

Living With Covid To Save Boris's Job

Today we hear Boris Johnson's Government set out the plan for Living With Covid and that isn't the bit i am concerned about, it is the dying with Covid bit worries me as we are still registering over 1,000 deaths a week and 300,000 new infections which is higher than when we went into lock-down.
I don't think it is much of a stretch to imagine that Boris is doing this, and has actually brought the date forward by a month, to save his own neck as the public and his own MP's wait to see if the Police are going to charge him with breaking his own lock-down rules.   
The thinking seems to be that he will be charged but he can point to the rules no longer being in place so what's the problem, they were the old rules.
It is ironic that he was far too slow bringing in the rules which cost people their lives and now he is too early ending them which again will cost people their lives and that's coming from medical experts and scientists including his own Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies advisors who are calling the decision to end the restrictions early 'premature' and 'not based on current evidence' and the virus would receive a 'tremendous boost in transmission resulting in many more cases'.
Nobody should be in any doubt that Boris Johnson and his Government are sacrificing people's lives for the sake of his job, a job that he has performed so badly at that if you are a Conservative MP are are not one of those calling for him to go, then you really haven't been paying attention and hope you enjoy the opposition benches.

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