FOAB Information

Wednesday 16 February 2022

London, Moscow & Washington Having A Good Ukraine Crisis

As much as i don't trust the despot and his Government in Moscow to be truthful, i also don't trust the Governments of Britain and America to be entirely straight with us either so who knows what Putin's plan is for Ukraine but as i said previously, it is not hurting Johnson in the UK or Biden in America who have a bogeyman to keep us safe from and deflect from their problems at home.
The Sun Newspaper had a headline on Tuesday that they had it on high authority that Russia would invade on Wednesday and when they never, the headline changed to the invasion was about to start 'at any time' which led to the Russian foreign ministry asking if the West could kindly publish any future schedule of Moscow’s invasions as she would like to plan a vacation.
As Biden, Putin and Johnson all issue warnings and threats, the calmest people seem to be the Ukrainians themselves despite being in the eye of the storm and the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has even said that the constant talk of invasion has not been helpful and is having a detrimental effect to the economy, social stability and living conditions of the people of his nation.
The Russians are said to be withdrawing although there seems to be very little in way of the heavy artillery being moved back from the border and there are still over 130,000 Russian troops looking into its neighbour but while the West and Russia play bluff, it's the Ukrainians caught in the middle.
It is looking more and more like Putin, Johnson and Biden are playing to their own national audience which will make it even harder to back down so we could see this dragging on for months, then again i may be wrong and the citizens of Kiev wake up to find Russian troops outside their front doors but the only beneficiaries so far are the less than trustworthy regimes in Moscow, London and Washington DC.  

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