FOAB Information

Friday 4 February 2022

On Reflection, Rogan Is A Moron Afterall

 I have never gone along with the quote attributed to Voltaire that 'I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it'. For my money if what you are about to say is so utterly boneheaded, then i would prefer you didn't say it at all and i certainly wouldn't defend your right to say it and i would gladly see everyone pile in on you because you didn't have the sense to keep your mouth shut and keep the inanity in your head.
I said recently that i know nothing of Joe Rogan and was only aware of his statement regarding Ivermectin in the treatment of Covid-19 but thought that the drug he was talking about was human Ivermectin and the people taking it and dying were buying the over the counter Ivermectin used for Horses and Cattle and said that if he explained it to his less than cerebral listeners, he could go some way to placating people but then i  read some more of the stuff he has been peddling and i think maybe he is a bit of a moron afterall.
He said that the RNA Vaccine's can alter your DNA but your DNA are the instructions of how to build your body and the RNA is the messenger, carrying instructions to your cells to instruct your immune system to start producing antibodies and doesn't interact with your genetic material at all.
The Ivermectin can cure Covid claim was based on some very weak research papers and there are no studies which show evidence of the drug's effectiveness and the countries which relied heavily on Ivermectin, like Brazil and Peru, had some of the worst death tolls from the virus.
He has also said that that if you get vaccinated after having had Covid, you're at greater risk of
harmful side effects such as blood clots and heart inflammation which was based on a UK study which never mentioned them and showed mild after effects, such as fatigue, chills and headaches, the blood clots and heart inflammation was pure Rogan's own fanciful conclusion of the study.
He has also said for young people, the health risks of inflammation of the heart muscle and blood clots from the vaccine are greater than from Covid but the same UK paper shows that younger people are at much lower risk of serious illness from Covid, but those symptoms are more common in young people who have had Covid-19.
On reflection then, and without even looking into his Climate Change denial claims, if he is trying to persuade people not to get vaccinated by either being ignorant, willfully misrepresenting the data or flat out lying, then i retract my assertion that he could simply placate people by spelling out his belief in Ivermectin and lump him in with the dangerous idiots category of which there are unfortunately quite a few of the morons.

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