FOAB Information

Tuesday 15 February 2022

Prince Andrew Pays For Problem To Go Away

After 11 futile attempts to get the case dismissed, Prince Andrew has gone from never met her, don’t remember the photograph, i was in Pizza Express in Woking that night and i can’t sweat to demanding a trial by jury and today here’s a big pile of money to go away with news that he has offered a substantial settlement to end the sexual assault court case against him.
To cap it off he has the brass neck to also: 'commend Guiffre's bravery' after he accused her of lying and dragged her name through the mud for years.
The friend of convicted child sex offender Jeffrey Epstein was accused of three cases of sexually assaulting Virginia Giuffre when she was 17 and he faced a trial later this year under oath where Guiffre's lawyers were due to call on Shukri Walker, who was willing to provide testimony in Giuffre’s civil lawsuit that she saw Andrew with Giuffre at a London nightclub as she: 'remembers the night clearly because she never saw a royal before or since'.
By playing the get out of trial free card to prevents this case going any further, an embarrassing court case may have been prevented but but while that may be acceptable in America, Brits see it in a very different way and judge it as as a tacit admissions of guilt.
To many it is paying for the problem, and the likely guilty verdict, to go away due to the accused holding a very weak case they wouldn't win in court, if they had a strong case they were confident of winning then why make any payment to the accuser at all?
He will forever be, in British eyes at least, the guy who sexually abused a minor and then bought her silence to avoid prosecution and although the sum of the settlement has not been disclosed, it is expected to be in the millions.
The question now then is who will pay it? The Queen has been paying his legal bills so far and if she is coughing up the dirty money for her son, money from our taxes which we shovel towards her, then it won't go down well.
What i take from this is that is that those with the funds of the rich can avoid punishment by being able to purchase their freedom without even acknowledging any culpability, and that is very, very, very wrong.

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