FOAB Information

Wednesday 23 February 2022

Why Did Boris Take His Peashooter To A Gunfight?

The West's intelligence services have been warning it was imminent for weeks but when Putin finally made his move it was the one that nobody at the CIA, MI6 or any of the other Intelligence Services mentioned, he officially recognised the Ukrainian Eastern Provinces he was pretty much de facto running anyway and then moved his troops in under 'security measures'.
The West's response was to impose sanctions on Putin and his cronies but Britain's sanctions were ridiculed, likened to taking a peashooter to a gunfight so why was Boris Johnson so reluctant to go hard on the sanctions?
The government said they have started off small as they want to be able to ratchet up sanctions if the Ukraine situation escalates further but many MP's are wondering if Johnson is afraid to upset the Russian money pouring into London which the leaked Pandora Papers showing £1.5bn of UK property owned by Russians accused of financial crime or with links to the Kremlin.
Boris Johnson said this week that: 'It’s very important that the house understands we do not raise money from Russian oligarchs' which is technically true as someone with only Russian nationality would not be able to legally donate to a UK political party but those with dual nationality do not have this problem, and the Home Office have issued 2,581 visas to Russian citizens.
A Labour party calculation based on Electoral Commission information estimated that donors who had made money from Russia had given £1.93m to the Tory party since Johnson became prime minister, the SNP's figures put the sum donated to Boris Johnson's Party at £2.3m inlcuding £700,000 from Lubov Chernukhin, a dual British national since 2011 and married to Vladimir Chernukhin who happens to be a former deputy finance minister under Putin and Alexander Temerko, also a dual UK national who handed over a £357,000 donation to the Conservatives and Mohamed Amersi, both working for a company controlled by an associate of guess who...the Russian President, Vladimir Putin.
Boris may have been 'giving it large' with the threats and rhetoric over the past few weeks but when it comes to actually doing something, he faces accusations of putting his and his Parties finances first and as we have found out, Boris does like his donations big and hopefully, not found out about.

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