FOAB Information

Wednesday 2 March 2022

Gihgihgi Dolphins in 2150

If there are time travellers in the future, they will be avoiding the start of the 21st Century because of the 22 years of it so far, it has been madness.
So far we have seen almost non-stop Wars in Africa, Asia and Europe, a global pandemic, terror attacks, climate Armageddon and a return to the Cold War and the very real threat of a nuclear war so any time machines owners will be looking at history and saying, you know what, i think we'll skip this period and go to the 22nd Century instead.
The worst part about it is that all the catastrophes that have befallen us are man-made, we did it to ourselves like huge numpties and i was going to say to anyone who is 22 and under, it wasn't always like this but on reflection, it was.
I grew up in the 70's and 80's and we had a thing called Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) keeping us safe from nuclear war which was the premise that if anybody started flinging nuclear missiles around, then we would all die so nobody would and as insane as that was, it worked which was lucky because part of 80s schooling was Nuclear War Survival which was pretty much turn your sofa upside down and crawl under it as if a few inches of settee padding above your head would keep you safe from an Atomic bomb.
Pre-2000 we had wars going on everywhere, we left 1999 still cleaning up the debris from the one in former Yugoslavia and the IRA were setting off car bombs in terror attacks, some UK cities have still not replaced the bins which were removed at the time as a precaution.
Unbelievably there were people actually arguing against Climate change in the 80s and 90s which has not only come back to bite them on the backside but wash away their homes also and Bird Flu, Mad Cow Disease and AID's were sweeping the world.
So with that said, we may all be moaning WTF NOW!! but we have been saying that since i was a kid so if you are reading this in the year 2150 or beyond, hopefully mankind has learnt the lessons of the past and if we haven't,  Gihgihgihgihgihgih gih gih gih to all the dolphins reading this.

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