FOAB Information

Saturday 19 March 2022

Refugees Welcome (Non Whites Need Not Apply)

It is always nice to see, in time of war and hardship, the European nations are ready to step up and welcome fleeing refugees into their country, space permitting of course because it was only a few short years ago that some nations put up the 'Sorry, we're full' signs when African and Middle Eastern refugees were coming their way.
I'm not sure what has changed between then and now for some European countries to be willing and able to accept the million or so Ukrainians fleeing their country due to the Russian invasion but couldn't find the space for the million Afghans, Iraqi's and Syrians a few years ago, telling them not to try and come.
In 2018 Poland was so full that the Polish Prime Minister said: 'We will not be receiving migrants from the Middle East or North Africa in Poland' but have now taken in 1 million Ukrainian refugees which is a great thing for the Ukrainians who must be thanking their lucky stars that their war happened in 2022 and not a year or two before.
The Bulgarian's are also accepting European refugees, their Prime Minister said: 'These are not refugees we are used to. These people are Europeans. These people are intelligent, they are educated people' so i assume they are asking for qualifications when they cross the border, maybe the Middle Eastern and African educational qualifications don't count in Bulgaria.  
The alternative is that the countries now suddenly so keen to accept Ukrainian's are discriminating against non-white refugees who are also trying to flee a war zone but i've been to both Poland and Bulgaria and i think any refugee spending any time there would say 'Thanks, but i think i could do better' and keep going West to a proper country.
If you refugees want to come to Britain make sure you stop at the English Channel and fill out the 50 page Visa Form if you had the piece of mind to pick up the right documentation while you fled your house being reduced to rubble around your ears.
If you do make it to our sunny shores then don't be put off by the racist Prime Minister currently in charge of the British Government who has pursued a hostile environment agenda for foreigners, hopefully he won't be around much more longer.  

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