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Friday 25 March 2022

Special Guest Blogger: Greek God Cronus

I was the 12th child of Uranus and Gaia and the leader of the Titans but i wasn't that close to my father although i was one time after he hid some of my siblings in Tartarus.
Uranus was terrified of the great ugly kids pregnant Gaia was producing and had them banished to the bowels of the Earth so Mum asked her remaining children to castrate Uranus and it was me who stepped up with my bloody great scyth and seconds later, after a well-aimed swipe, dad's genitals were bobbing around in the sea, his detached meat and two veg did create the goddess Aphrodite though.
The period in which i ruled was called the Golden Age, as the people of the time had no need for laws or rules, everyone just did the right thing, and immorality was absent, they even held a festival for me called Kronia in all the towns with banquets and games.
After freeing my siblings, and with Uranus now out of the way, i became Top God and decided to re-imprison them again, claim Uranus' throne, and marry my own sister, Rhea but Mum said that just as i had overthrown my father, one of my own children will overthrow me.
As any paranoid lunatic would do, i decided to eat my own children, Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, and Poseidon however, Rhea and Gaia hid baby Zeus, giving me a rock wrapped in baby clothes to eat instead.
Zeus grew up, forced me to disgorge his brothers and sisters and threw me into Tartarus which is where i stayed until those nice Romans decided to get me out, brush me down and give me the name Saturn and changed the name of the fifth Planet from the Greek Cronus to Saturn.
They even revived my festival, moved it to December and called it Saturnalia and the people decorated their homes, sang, gave each other gifts, drank to excess and introduced each other to their genitals but the nerdy Christians later took my Saturnalia, kept the home decorating, gifts, drinking to excess and introducing each other to their genitals bits and called it Christmas.

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