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Wednesday 2 March 2022

Special Guest Blogger: Hindu Goddess Chinnamasta

When you are a Goddess you can do cool things like grant wishes, create earthquakes or chop off your own head and parade it around while your attendants drink the blood which spurts from the neck stump.
I was the fifth of ten goddesses, the Mahavidyas, from Parvati, the Hindu Mother goddess, and i am usually seen standing on a divine copulating couple holding my own severed head with three jets of blood spurting out of my bleeding neck and being drunk by my own head and two attendants which sounds gruesome but let me explain how that came about.
The Mahavidyas arose when my Mum and Shiva my Dad had an argument and Dad tried to leave but Mum created us ten kids to prevent him from going and we surrounded him in all directions and he was unable to leave.  
My tale begins when i was bathing in a river with two of my attendants but i took so long, Godliness is next to Cleanliness after-all, that we missed dinner and my attendants were going on and on about being hungry and they were not having that i would sort them out food when we got back home so
to shut them up i did what any merciful goddess would do and beheaded myself with my long nails and gave them my blood to satisfy their hunger.
It resulted in my legacy but also being able to hold your own head in your hand without it being joined to your neck is a pretty good Halloween party trick but i came to represent so much more than headless people.
I am used to symbolise the start and end of life as well as sexual self-control as i am standing over the love-deity couple of Kamadeva and his wife Rati who are engaged in copulation, but other religions have tried to muscle in on the headless deity theme but it's mine and i can get quite pissy about and you don't want to mess with someones who other name is Prachanda Chandika, or 'she, who has chopped off her own head'.
I may convey the universal message that life, death, and sex are interdependent and life feeds on death, is nourished by death, necessitates death, and that the ultimate destiny of sex is to perpetuate more life, which in turn will decay and die in order to feed more life but worshiping me comes with a warning that only the very brave or very foolish should do it.
I can bestow upon you everything you ever desired but if i believe that you are not worshiping me properly, i will behead you and drink your blood but give it a whirl because you never know and there's a saying amongst us Mahavidyas that if a job's worth doing, it's worth doing well. If it's not worth doing, give it to Muhammad.

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