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Monday 28 March 2022

Special Guest Blogger: Hugh Depenser the Younger

My Family did that weird thing where they give the kids all the same Christian name so there was my dad Hugh Despenser the Elder, i was the Younger and my son was the even younger but the story starts with my father working for King Edward I as a royal counsellor so i grew up in the royal Household.
Being in the Kings eyeline, he decided i would make a suitable husband for his eldest granddaughter Eleanor and as she came with money, titles and land i obviously i agreed.
Not long afterwards, Edward I died and Edward II took over and he was a very different man to his father, for one, despite being married to Queen Isabella of France, he was having a homosexual relationship with a young nobleman called Piers Gaveston until a group of disgruntled barons killed him, sick of the king’s endless favouritism towards him.
That left a big gap in the shape of the Kings favourite and i wormed my way in, was made royal chamberlain and in just a few years i went from a landless knight to one of the wealthiest magnates in the kingdom as the King showered even more land on me, including Wallingford Castle despite him previously giving it to his wife, Queen Isabella of France, which didn't go down well with her or the Barons, one inparticular called Roger Mortimer.
The Queen and Edward's marriage broke down and rumours began circulating that the King and i were in a gay relationship ourselves and the Queen and the Barons, led by Mortimer, plotted a revolt and sacked and vandalised all my land and forced me into exile.
The King and the army put down the uprising and i returned to England, had Mortimer's locked in the Tower of London and took over all of his land making me the richest man in England.
While all this was going on Queen Isabella was in France still seething about the castle and then i suggested to the King that he remove her children from her care to really tick her off and her seething turned into something much worse.
To cut a long story short, Roger Mortimer escaped the Tower, teamed up with Isabella in France and they both turned up in England with an army who overthrew Edward and i was captured and put on trial.
Found guilty of treason and sodomy, i was sentenced to death but not just any old death, first they wrote biblical passages against sodomy on my naked body which they dragged through the town before hanging me but before i died they cut me down and tied me to a ladder and sliced off my genitals and burned them in front of me before pulling out my entrails and finally cutting out my heart and throwing into a fire.
Not surprisingly i was dead by now so the subsequent beheading and being quartered into four pieces never bothered me but as a proud Englishman, my head can be held up high, and it doesn't get much higher than where it ended up, on top of the gates of London.

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