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Tuesday 15 March 2022

Special Guest Blogger: Saint Longinus

You probably know me as the Roman Centurion who pierced Christ with a spear but in my defence, we were rattling through a lot of crucifixions at that time and it was a Friday and the weather wasn't great and i just wanted to get home, it was fish for supper and besides, every criminal we stuck up gave some excuse, some argued that we had the wrong person, most said they were a victim of a mis-trial and we had more than a handful of the sons of god and with my bad eyesight, how was i supposed to know this was the actual one?
I had spent my life fighting alongside my fellow soldiers throughout the Roman lands but my eyesight was so bad that i was practically blind and ended up in Jerusalem helping out with crucifixions.
Crucifixion is a bit of a drawn out affair so my job was to poke them with a spear in the side to hurry things along as that was the only job i could do with such poor sight and when Jesus shouted down to forgive us for we know not what we do, i replied, i know exactly what i'm doing, i'm jabbing you in the side with my spear.
It was when the blood and water gushed out onto my face and my eyesight was miraculously cured that i began to suspect that this wasn't just any old hippy nailed up before me so when they took his limp, lifeless body down from the cross, i assisted in cleansing the guy's body before we shut him in a cave.
Turns out he came back anyway after three days when the stone was removed from the entrance of the tomb and when Christ walked out i began to ponder on what if this whole Christian thing is true so i converted, left the army and became a monk preaching about Jesus instead which wasn't a particularly wise move in 1AD Rome, the Emperor said he was disappointed and proved it by having me arrested and forcibly removing my teeth and tongue but i didn't let a little thing like that stop me and i drew pictures instead so they lopped off my head which did finally stop me.
The Christians, being a forgiving bunch, made me a Saint which is nice of them considering i was the guy who actually killed their saviour but what i did that day added another religious holiday to the calendar even if nobody actually knows what it is for.

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