FOAB Information

Friday 18 March 2022

Zelenskyy On Hiding To Nothing

You really can't blame Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and his Politicians for continually asking for NATO to install a no-fly zone above Ukraine, i would be expecting our politicians to be doing exactly the same in his position, but even he must know that however many times he asks, he isn't going to get one.
It may seem harsh considering what we are seeing on our TV screens as his nation gets pulverized by Russian air strikes but a no-fly zone means that NATO would attack and shoot down any Russian plane violating it and that way leads to a World War which will result in far more deaths than we currently fear.
We can only hope that the peace talks finally bear fruit and the horror comes to an end but NATO and the West needs to not be suckered into a conflict that could create a war between nuclear countries because nobody wins that one.
Russia have made six demands in order to end their invasion and they include giving up the dream of joining NATO and handing over Crimea and the two eastern areas currently under Russian control and that seems a case of the best worst scenario for Ukraine.
Joining NATO is not going to happen anytime soon, the 30 strong nation group have as much said that they would not admit Ukraine as it would be too provocative to Russia and Crimea and the two parts of the Donbas region are already lost to Russia so just let them go, as painful as that may be.
It will be hard to take but Ukraine cannot win this war, Russia is too powerful and had too much firepower and the best that will happen is Ukraine turns into Afghanistan and Iraq with the ruling invading nation running the country but facing non-stop guerrilla tactics and the destruction and disorder that results in as the West found out.
Zelenskyy and Ukraine are on a hiding to nothing and it is an awful decision he faces but better to lose a little and gain the rest than keep going and face losing much, much more.
As for Russia, it deserves to be ostracized and the sanctions kept up long after the military are back in Russian barracks and hopefully the momentum against war currently sweeping the corridors of power will turn to some other abhorrent war mongers such as Israel in Palestine and Saudi Arabia in Yemen who deserve as much condemnation as Russia has quite rightly received.

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