FOAB Information

Thursday 14 April 2022

The Not So Honourable Prime Minister

Only last week, Richard Harrington, the refugees minister, was asked if the government had any plans to send refugees over 5,000 miles away to Rwanda and he replied with an pretty unambiguous No, he didn't know where such an idea had come from and nobody in the Home Office was discussing anything like this and it was a non-story put out by liberals.
Shift on 10 days later and there's Boris Johnson in Kent beginning a speech about Britain’s fine history of openness and generosity to refugees before announcing the Government was going to start sending refugees to Rwanda and the cynical amongst us may consider the timing of the announcement a bit suspect coming as it did after days of bad headlines regarding the Prime Ministers police fine for breaking his own lock-down laws, not that he will be paying it, that's what Tory donors are for.
Apparently, so say the Conservative MP's, a time of war is not the time to change our Prime Minister but if Britain was at war i'm sure i would have noticed so as i failed to see any cruise missiles sailing over my head today, i assume they mean the one in Ukraine which we are not fighting in, just providing the weapons for someone else to do it.
Boris won't be going anywhere unless he is kicked out by his own MP's who seem to be fine with him lying to them but Minister's have resigned for less,believing that no honourable member of Parliament would attempt to stay in office after having done something so wrong but unfortunately, when it comes to Boris, we can see the flaw in that argument straight away.
Still, he today did what really matters to the nasty party supporters, he was horrible to asylum seekers so that will soothe a few furrowed brows.

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