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Sunday 17 April 2022

Conflicted On Loren Allred On BGT

As a rule i avoid Britian's Got Talent like Boris Johnson avoids diet food but i got a vague call from my daughter last night saying that woman singing that song you bang on about was on BGT tonight and it turns out the woman was Loren Allred and the song was 'Never Enough'.
Immediately on watching it later i went through 'Wow, she's amazing' to 'what's she doing on BGT?' back to 'Wow, she's amazing' again and finally onto is it fair to put a woman who sang one of the greatest songs ever and we know has one of the best female vocals i have ever heard to be competing against pub singers and amateurs looking for their big break?
My conflict therefore is should she even be there? On one hand she has already had more success than most and her song will be up there with Whitney Houston's version of 'I Will Always Love You' when any list of greatest female vocals is wheeled out so being a successful, professional singer seems a bit unfair on the man with a guitar who wrote his own song about his daughter putting on her mum's make up which preceded it.
Then i think, she probably didn't get the recognition she deserved from the Greatest Showman film and she has an amazing voice so she should get her face out there and get all the plaudits she has coming so go for it girl.
Then, i go back to if i was on BGT i would be mightily annoyed if after my turn the woman who sang 'Never Enough' was introduced next so i'm back to its unfair again but then...she's amazing so arghhh!!!
I'm 70% in favour of her belting out epics and becoming rich and famous in her own right but i'm bias because she's that woman singing that song that i bang on about but then that's the exact same reason for the 30% against also.

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