FOAB Information

Monday 11 April 2022

Special Guest Blogger: Chevalier d'Eon

You know how some guys grow their hair long and they look like rockstars, and others they just look like ugly girls? Well i looked pretty damn feminine which is how i got enrolled by King Louis XV to his secret spy network, the Secret du Roi.
I was an excellent student, graduating in civil law and canon law and became secretary to the intendant of Paris, serving as his secretary when the spy network came knocking with a secret mission to meet the Russian Empress Elizabeth and conspire with the pro-French faction.
At that time the English and French were as usual at war, and the English were attempting to deny the French access to the Empress by allowing only women and children to cross the border into Russia so i changed my name to Lady Lia de Beaumont and the English didn't look at me twice and i served as a maid of honour to the Empress.
I became the assistant to the French ambassador to Russia and served in that role for 4 years until the Empress died and then i returned triumphantly to France where i ditched the petticoats and was sent to London to draft the peace treaty that formally ended the Seven Years' War.
I stayed in London and spied on he English for the King and then a new Ambassador, Guerchy, arrived and that is where my story really starts.
The guy really didn't like me and tried to get me deported and when that didn't work he tried to poison me so i published much of the secret diplomatic correspondence about my role under the King an bitched about Guerchy and the French Government came gunning for me but i had held back the juiciest documents and threatened to release them if they didn't allow me to return to France as a free man and with a pension for my service.
The French had a law where women are pardoned for most misdemeanors and we came to an agreement that if i was to resume my role as a female, everything would be pardoned so i agreed if they threw in expenses for a new wardrobe of women's clothes and spent the rest of my days living as a female, saying that i felt free to let out my big secret that i had been a woman all along and had only pretended to be a male. I even wrote my memoirs explaining it all.
When France began to help the rebels during the American War of Independence, i trying to start up a division of women soldiers but the Government refused the offer and then my pension was ended by the French Revolution and i died in poverty and at my post-mortem they found out i had a penis the whole time which left everyone thoroughly confused.

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